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Posted - 08/21/2006 : 01:10:33
Sony uses the TI PCI7411 flash media controller to power the SD/MemoryStick reader. This reader doesn't recognize 4GB SD secure digital cards out of the box and it is very annoying if you have one of these cards.
I'm convinced with the proper FlashMedia controller driver, the SD port can be made to understand 4GB cards. I have no problems with the 4GB SD card (Transcend 150x 4GB) in my other readers even very old ones like Sandisk SDDR-88 USB external reader, Soyo BayOne Genesys Logic GL817E based desktop card reader, and Dell E1705 Ricoh-based card reader, as well as Canon SD300 digital elph camera, and iPAQ 2210 PocketPC PDA.
Before someone mentions SDHC (SD2.0), really it isn't necessary to have SDHC to support 4GB, but it does standardize 4GB support by introducing FAT32 filesystem support officially into the SD spec. In effect the SDHC cards now cost 3x as much as the current SD cards, which have non-standardized 4GB support, but SD2.0 has new packaging and the "SDHC" logo. While it is nice to have 4-32GB standardized, the increased price (for the same material) is not nice and it doesn't help the Vaio either because the chances we will get a SDHC upgrade are slim to none.
Anyway I noticed people with other integrated laptop media controllers based on TI chipset having success getting 4GB SD secure digital cards to read with newer drivers and registry entries. These drivers are all related and the hardware design is based on reference platforms so this leads me to believe the Vaio's media controller can be made to understand 4GB cards. The PCIxx21 chipset is the same as PCI7411 but it has 2 PCMCIA controllers vs 1.
Forum post detailing success getting PCIxx21 (chipset in the same family as PCI7411) working with 4GB SD secure digital flash cards using Sager notebook drivers.
Forum post detailing success with getting Inspiron 700M to recognize larger capacity SD secure digital cards using Packard Bell drivers.
I tried both Sager and Packard Bell drivers on the Vaio TX750 but it didn't recognize my 4GB Transcend SD card. The drivers also behave slightly differently in that the drive letters for the memory slots are not always available, rather they dynamically appear when you insert the card in. I'm thinking the Sony drivers are slightly customized and I might need Sony versions of the drivers. I went looking for newer drivers on the Sony website and noticed that the latest version available for TX750 is while the latest versions for the TX850, UX180, and SZ230, SZ280 are
Unfortunately I cannot unpack these drivers as the machine checks says they are not intended for my laptop. If any TX850, UX180, SZ230, or SZ280 users out there can help out and unpack the files on their machines that would help out alot. When you run the install there is probably a temp directory created with the unpacked files. It will probably be cleaned up once the install finishes so you need to copy the folder before then.
Alternately if one of those users could test out 4GB SD card support using drivers that would help also.
Texas Instruments PCI7411 Integrated FlashMedia Controller drivers on Sony Support site.
Edited by - sfhub on 10/14/2006 03:18:31 |
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 08/22/2006 : 20:44:00
Well, I downloaded the newer drivers and tried the SDParam registry entry. No luck getting 4GB to read. Also tried changing the SD slot to SD+SDIO and SD+MMC+SDIO using the SDSwitch registry entry. By default it is configured for SDIO. Still can't read the 4GB card.
If anyone has suggestions I'd be glad to try them.
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2006 : 22:13:02
Thanks to you and your thread, I found the solution to my built in sd card reader problem with my HP NX5000. I posted the solution at the first link you posted (aussie website) but no one seems to be reading that anymore.
Here is the link back Go to my post and you will see the instructions and download link from HP. Hp released an updated driver package supporting several HP notebooks. The NX5000 wasnt listed as it uses PCIxx20. I managed to force it to use the update PCIxx21. Performance is awesome, its now even faster compared to the old driver reading my Sandisk 1 gig.
For best performance with your 4 gig, format it with fat32.
Your thread was the one I found via google. I was already contemplating on returning the card as it was very difficult to use my Treo 650 as a card reader for the 4 gig. Thanks to you and your efforts. I hope I can help you as you helped me. |
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2006 : 03:25:12
The power of the Internet prevails. Someone got enough inspiration from reading my post to discover a solution to the 4GB SD card problem for their HP notebook.
They were kind enough to update my thread with their solution and I tried it on the Sony VAIO VGN-TX750P and it works!
Credit to goes to MFB for posting the solution:
I will simplify and update the instructions for Sony VAIO TX750 users:
1) Download the updated TI Media Card Driver (SP33416.exe) from here:
2) Run SP33416.exe Answer the prompts and proceed with install
3) When install is done, you will have lost the permanent drive D: Memory Stick and drive E: SD/MMC. This is ok as the new driver responds to events rather than having permanent drives available and when you insert a memory card, a new drive will automatically appear.
4) Insert your 4GB SD card and you should hear the new hardware ding sound and your 4GB card will show up as a drive. I tested with 4GB Transcend 150X SD card and it works great.
One minor caveat is the 4GB SD card is not automatically recognized after resume from standby or hibernate. This is not that big a problem because you can just remove and insert the card and it will then be recognized.
Before your install, you were running the Sony/TI driver
After your install you will be running the TI PCxx21 driver dated 7/6/2006 |
Edited by - sfhub on 10/03/2006 04:45:09 |
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2006 : 05:10:01
Hey there,
Glad it worked for you! I haven't experienced what you have with regards to the 4 gig card not being recognized after standby or hibernation. I don't leave my card in the slot since I use it solely on my Treo 650. Nonetheless, its working pretty well huh? : )
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2006 : 07:36:08
Yes it works very nicely. Thank you very much for posting. I feel blessed now because all my SD slots can read/write 4gb, including 3yr old ipaq 2210, 3yr old Sandisk SDDR-88, 2yr old Canon SD300, 6mo old Dell E1705, and 1mo old Sony TX750 and I don't need to fork out big bucks for the new SDHC 4GB cards.
I will try to do some benchmarks to compare to other card readers.
New Member

68 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2006 : 22:00:45
Thanks for the info. I just fixed my TX651 SD slot which can read a 4GB Card. |
Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 10/19/2006 : 10:05:25
Thanks so much for this thread! I thought that my Sony TX 670 laptop SD card slot was broken because it wouldn't read my new Ridata 4GB SD card, although it will read my smaller size cards.
I'm not brave enough to do the fix described in this thread. If I send my laptop in to Sony for repair, do you think Sony will update the driver for me? My laptop is still under the 1 year warranty.
By the way, is this 4GB SD problem unique to Sony laptops? Or do ALL current laptops have this problem?
I really need my laptop to recognize my 4GB SD cards, because I'm constantly swapping files from both my Treo 700p PDA cell phone, and Canon 450 digital camera. Both these devices have a 4GB SD card installed in them, and I want to be able to transfer files to my Sony TX 670.
Thanks, Casey.
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2006 : 05:11:47
I really suggest you read my post from 10/3/2006 on this thread.
The fix is so simple.
Just download the driver from the HP site.
Run the executable and it will install the driver and reboot.
That's it, you are done.
If you send it to Sony all you will have is headaches. First, Sony doesn't acknowledge there is a problem so there is nothing they will do to fix it. Second, if you send your machine in, you run the risk they will do a fresh install of windows to restore to factory state. Sony support seems to like doing that regardless of whether it is necessary.
According to Sony the product wasn't designed to read 4GB SD cards.
4GB support is not universal. Some card readers have troubles others do not. My 3yr old Sandisk SDDR-88 card reader can use 4GB with no problems. My IPAQ 2210 has no problems. My Canon SD300 camera has no problems, but all the Sony VAIOs I've seen cannot use 4GB until you install the new driver.
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 10/20/2006 : 23:38:19
Thanks a million sfhub for this fix. I just bought a 4gb sd and this saved heaps of time to transfer data from my old 2gb sd card, as my Vaio Tx27GP wouldn't read the 4gb sd caard. Casey don't worry, just download and run the file above - it works like a treat. |
Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 10/27/2006 : 15:36:20
Well, a week later, I got back my laptop from Sony repair in San Diego.
Unfortunately, nothing was done to resolve the 4GB SD card problem. A rep told me they inserted their own 64MB test card into the SD card slot, and it worked okay, therefore the card reader is fine. Man, oh man, don't these people read my detailed problem description on the worksheet? Duh!!
At least they didn't erase my hard drive. But on the downside, they forgot to send back my own 4GB SD card that I had enclosed for their testing! Oh brother. I called the repair center, and they are probably looking around for it as I'm writing this. Fortunately, I had nothing important on the card, but still, it would have been nice for them to return back my stuff. Oh well, I'll just wait for their return call.
On a positive note, I had also complained about a noticeable dead pixel problem in the top left corner of the screen. I asked them to fix this. They went ahead and replaced the entire screen, and now my screen appears to be perfect! I'm happy about the screen replacement, and I'm willing to forget about the SD card problem for now.
I have to say that Sony does have a quick turnaround time. The 2 times I sent in my laptop for repair, it came back 1 week later.
Now if you were to ask me whether I might buy another Sony laptop...hmmmmm, dunno. I'm tempted to try out the Fujitsu offering to see if the other side of the fence is any greener.
Anyway, I'm just writing to give you guys an update. I'm glad I have a 3 year extended warranty plan that came with my purchase!
I guess I will have to do the hack that you guys previously wrote about if I want my laptop to recognize a 4GB SD card.
Casey |
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 10/29/2006 : 17:48:04
quote: Originally posted by Casey
I guess I will have to do the hack that you guys previously wrote about if I want my laptop to recognize a 4GB SD card.
Sorry to hear they misplaced your 4GB SD card. $60 to get rid of dead pixels is pretty good though :)
I wouldn't really call installing new drivers a hack though. It is really pretty standard stuff that Sony should be providing us.
Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 10/31/2006 : 12:58:39
Here's another update. Sony repair dept found my 4GB SD card, and shipped it to me by FedEx which I received yesterday.
I have to say the best thing about Sony repair dept is their quick turnaround times. It's a hassle having to box up a laptop to ship off, but it's nice to know they can actually get the repaired item back to you in about a week's time.
Now if my battery won't explode from all the hoopla I've been reading about, I'll be content.
Fortunately, my extended warranty is good for another 2 more years!
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2006 : 05:18:59
Update with pcixx20
You guys wont be having problems with hibernation and standby if you have the pcixx21. My hp nx5000 along with the Dell 700M have the pcixx20. Installing the above fix will make your notebook read 4 gig sd cards but it will give you errors when it attempts to go on standby and hibernate.
After browsing thru the 700M dell forum, I have found the solution.
I got the idea of solving the hibernation and standby issues from this older thread
Download and install WindowsXP-KB896243-v6-x86-ENU.exe. Available within SP32017.EXE High-Speed Secure Digital (SD) Card Driver update from
Download and install SP33416.exe. Drivers are installed to C:\SWSetup\SP33416.
Go into device manager. Right click on the mass storage device and choose update driver. Choose 'Install from a list of specific location (Advanced)', hit next. At the bottom, select 'Don't search I will select from a list', then hit next. Select 'Have Disk' and specify C:\SWSetup\SP33416\Base\program files\Texas Instruments Inc\TIPCI and click OK. Choose PCIxx21 device and click OK. You will then be presented with 2 choices. Click on Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated Flash media controller
The older thread instructed to choose pcixx21. I previously did this and had the hibernate/standby issues.
Now the system thinks it has pcixx12 and the microsoft patch will now work since its specifically for pcixx12. Details of the microsoft patch: " High-Speed Secure Digital (SD) Card Driver version A (29 Mar 06) ยป revision history
This package contains the high-speed Secure Digital (SD) card driver provided from Microsoft. This driver can only be run on notebooks configured with the Texas Instruments (TI) Second-Generation PCI Cardbus Chip (the TI PCI Cardbus chip must be numbered "xx12" - where the "x" represents any character)."
Let me know if it works for you too. Im using an old HP NX5000. Most HPs now have a pcixx21 but unfortunately the Dell 700M and my notebook share the same pcixx20. Even if I dont own a Dell, I registered here just to inform you guys that I was able to work around the problem. Thanks to the original poster for the Microsoft patch via HP's website.
If the doesnt work for you, dont despair. I have a second solution. : ) |
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Posted - 11/17/2007 : 07:32:23
The above fix did NOT work on my HP dv8000 notebook which does have the Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia in it, but the following did take care of the problem completely for me, and now I can use the 16GB SDHC memory card in it that I recently purchased!
I have an HP Pavillion dv8000 series laptop that has a Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Integrated FlashMedia card reader in it, but found when I purchased a 16GB SDHC memory card, my computer would not even recognize the card at all. After many hours of searching the net, and many wrong attempts at getting the TI card reader and Windows XP SP2 to properly read my high capacity SD card, I finally got it to work, hopefully this info will save someone from having to spend all the time I had to in order to get this to work... but rest assured, the TI integrated card reader will work with SDHC memory cards after installing these fixes.
First thing that needs to be done is to obtain the Windoows XP HotFix which is here:
You will have to click on the link given on the above page to request this HotFix, and choose your Language, Operating system, and processor type, and Microsoft will email you the HotFix and give you a password that is needed to unzip the HotFix file... they sent it to me within about 30 minutes of my request. Apparently Windows XP can't read SDHC memory cards without this, even if you do have a compatible card reader. Once you receive this file, install it.
Next, you need to obtain the latest TI Integrated FlashMedia card reader (which by the way, HP did NOT have listed for my model of computer). The driver version is A, and can be downloaded at:
Now this driver says it's for Vista, but I assure you it works fine with Windows XP... as a matter of fact, the previous version of the TI FlashMedia software ( A), simply will NOT support my 16GB memory card. Download the TI driver and install it, and upon rebooting your computer after installing these two fixes, you'll hopefully find your computer can now use the SDHC memory cards!
I suspect this TI driver and windows fix will probably work for any computers that have the integrated TI FlashMedia card reader in it, but can't say for sure since I have only confirmed it got my HP dv8000 series notebook computer working with the SDHC card.
Robert Eddelman |
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5 Posts |
Posted - 11/17/2007 : 11:06:01
Thanks! I got it to work with pcixx20 for my older hpnx5000. Just got to device manager after installation then manually update the driver for the texas media card reader. Go to C:\Program Files\TIVistadriver\Windows\tiinst\XP32 for 32 bit xp systems. Just choose the pcixx12 driver. I finally can now read my 8gig class 6 sdhc card. Where did you get your 16gig card? What brand and class? |
Senior Member Member
1148 Posts |
Posted - 11/17/2007 : 14:56:07
quote: Originally posted by Casey
Here's another update. Sony repair dept found my 4GB SD card, and shipped it to me by FedEx which I received yesterday.
I have to say the best thing about Sony repair dept is their quick turnaround times. It's a hassle having to box up a laptop to ship off, but it's nice to know they can actually get the repaired item back to you in about a week's time.
A week is pretty lame. It used to be that Sony would turn around in 36 hours including shipping time. My local Fujitsu service center turned around in ~24 hours replacing a HD. |
Starting Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 11/24/2007 : 14:46:50
This fix works great for Windows XP machines (works on my VGN-TX650P) but it doesn't work for Windows Vista.
Has anybody found a fix for a Vaio (mine in VGN-TXN29N) running Vista?
I spoke with second level Sony support and they said the SD drive is limited to 2GB disks or smaller! |
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George Antipas
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Posted - 07/13/2009 : 06:48:08
quote: Originally posted by sfhub
The power of the Internet prevails. Someone got enough inspiration from reading my post to discover a solution to the 4GB SD card problem for their HP notebook.
They were kind enough to update my thread with their solution and I tried it on the Sony VAIO VGN-TX750P and it works!
Credit to goes to MFB for posting the solution:
I will simplify and update the instructions for Sony VAIO TX750 users:
1) Download the updated TI Media Card Driver (SP33416.exe) from here:
2) Run SP33416.exe Answer the prompts and proceed with install
3) When install is done, you will have lost the permanent drive D: Memory Stick and drive E: SD/MMC. This is ok as the new driver responds to events rather than having permanent drives available and when you insert a memory card, a new drive will automatically appear.
4) Insert your 4GB SD card and you should hear the new hardware ding sound and your 4GB card will show up as a drive. I tested with 4GB Transcend 150X SD card and it works great.
One minor caveat is the 4GB SD card is not automatically recognized after resume from standby or hibernate. This is not that big a problem because you can just remove and insert the card and it will then be recognized.
Before your install, you were running the Sony/TI driver
After your install you will be running the TI PCxx21 driver dated 7/6/2006
It worked on my TX750P
Many thanks. |
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Posted - 03/08/2010 : 19:46:25
Just used this fix to download and install missing "mass storage controller" driver on Sony Vaio VGN NR498E laptop that I was unable to find anywhere else. These instructions, credited to all above, are hugely appreciated!
The web site is
Select "TI 4in1 Card Reader"
After that, you have to doubleclick to expand the files. and now you can update the driver telling the computer where you have this folder. |
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Posted - 05/15/2010 : 14:15:23
Hiya i am new here, I came upon this message board I have found It incredibly helpful & its helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and guide others like it has helped me.
Cheers, See Ya Around
Sagitario |
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Posted - 05/21/2010 : 07:28:30
Hey i am fresh to this. I came accross this forum I find It positively accessible and it's helped me out so much. I hope to contribute & support others like its helped me.
Thank You, Catch You Later
Sagitario |
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